Ethnic wine pairings

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Ethnic cuisine , mainly from Southeast Asia, is known for its exotic aromas and spicy flavors. Recently, many restaurants specializing in ethnic cuisine have opened in Japan, and ingredients and spices used in ethnic cuisine can be found in supermarkets.

Many ethnic dishes have unique flavors, such as spicy or sour, and it can be difficult to come up with combinations. However, if you match them well, the spiciness and sourness will harmonize and bring out the flavor of the spices .

So, this time we have compiled a list of ethnic food and wine pairings recommended by Mavi staff that we have featured so far. Whether you are making it at home or taking it out, please use these pairings as a reference and enjoy it with organic wine.

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The appeal of pairing ethnic food with wine


Ethnic cuisine is often centered around Southeast Asian cuisine, and is one of the popular cuisines with many specialty restaurants. Many of the dishes are characterized by their unique taste, with a delicious spiciness created by using herbs, spices, and seasonings.

It has an addictive taste, so some people love it and others don't... It's a genre that divides people, especially Japanese people, into likes and dislikes. However, because it uses a lot of spices and vegetables, it has a healthy image, and in recent years, ethnic cuisine has become more popular as people become more health-conscious.

Recently, many recipes that allow you to easily make it at home have been published online, and it is becoming more and more familiar as a dish that can be easily made at home.

Ethnic cuisine may seem difficult to pair with, but modern French cuisine has incorporated many ethnic-inspired elements. If you choose the right wine, it will bring out the umami, spiciness, sourness, sweetness, and saltiness of the cuisine.

In addition to the pairings introduced this time, one way to enjoy wine is to find your own wine that goes perfectly with your unique taste. Please try pairing wine with ethnic cuisine. Enjoy the Asian atmosphere at home with wine.

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